How we are funded
The ME|FM Society of BC finances its activities through membership fees, tax deductible donations, grants, fundraising events and bequests. While the majority of the activities of the Society are undertaken by a small, dedicated group of volunteers, we rely on all our funding sources to increase our support programs, hire consultants and meet administrative expenses.

We are profoundly grateful to the Ko family and Opera Mariposa for gifting us the proceeds of annual fundraising events, and to The Wickerson Foundation for their ongoing support of our work.
With this support, the ME|FM Society of BC is piloting a series of social support groups including individuals impacted by what is commonly known as Long-COVID, and meeting the diagnostic criteria for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

A preliminary project examining the unmet needs of British Columbians living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

The implementation and expansion of support groups for Patients, and Allies and Loved Ones.

Most recently, we have used funding from membership, donations and grants to accomplish the following. For up-to-date news on these and other initiatives, click here.
We are always seeking to grow our membership and we encourage everyone to join. Choose the membership type most suitable for you.
Our membership year is from October 1 to September 30 of the following year.
We manage our membership database and donations through a program called MemberPlanet.
Membership types and annual fees

In the last several years, the ME|FM Society of BC has received research grants from the BC Women's Hospital, The Vancouver Foundation, and the BC SUPPORT Unit Fraser Centre. In addition, program funds were received from BC Gaming. We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia. The ME|FM Society of BC is receiving funding from the Community Gaming Grants program to assist the delivery of social support groups and other community engagement efforts.