Need support?

Society Support Phone Line - Our phone line is answered by volunteers living with ME, Long-COVID and/or FM who respond to calls within 48h. (Note: this is not an emergency support service but an emotional support service for non-urgent requests for support and information.)
Call 604-878-7707 or BC Toll-free: 1-888-353-6322

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Long-COVID and Fibromyalgia (FM) are diseases which can turn lives upside down. With so much stigma and misinformation about the diseases, it can be difficult to deal with the changes and challenges they bring. We're here to provide emotional support for patients, families and caregivers.
Here you will find a variety of online resources and contact numbers for people and organisations that can offer help. Feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions.
Crisis service
​Crisis Centre BC - The hardships experienced by ME and FM patients are often overwhelming. At the society, we receive many calls and emails every year from people who are desperate and feel they have nowhere to turn and no options.

When we feel someone is in a crisis, we refer them to the Crisis Centre of BC. This is an excellent service, with volunteers trained to deal with people whose emotional and/or physical situations are dire. If you feel you are in crisis, please reach out to this excellent service. They are available 24h/day and 7 days/week.

If you need immediate assistance, call 911.
Mental Health Support
Kids Help Phone
(ages 5 - 29)
Text: 686868
Crisis Centre BC
TTY: 1-866-872-0113
Talk Suicide Canada
Text: 45645
(1 pm - 9 pm, Pacific Time)
United Way Centraide
211 BC
Online Distress Service
Hope for Wellness Help Line
(for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples)

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