Ways to donate
The Society is a registered charity and all donations are gratefully accepted, regardless of the amount; however, tax receipts are provided for all donations over $20. When you give a gift, your generosity impacts the lives of those living in BC with ME and/or FM. Donate Now because patients have waited long enough.
Your donations may be used to:
Support continuing research projects and collaborations.

Continue to provide and enhance our existing patient support programs.

Develop education directed to our BC clinical communities, people living with ME|FM and their families.

Why leave legacy funds? ​​
A planned gift to ME|FM Society of BC is an effective way to honour yourself and loved ones, and to help us pursue our goals.
A charitable receipt can lower estate taxes.

How to leave legacy funds
Consider leaving a dollar amount or a percentage of your residual estate (what is left when all debts are paid and gifts are made).

Consider altering your will or adding a codicil.

Contact your lawyer or notary to facilitate your wishes.